Friday, April 6, 2012

About this Book (blog)

This is the second part of a book I wrote titled, Nothing Less Than Love.  I continued to explore different relationships, but I also tried to dig deeper into how we interact “with all” that surrounds us.  I hoped to express my perspective on society, art, media, film, and America and use it to incorporate inspiring and entertaining stories.  Each real life experience exposes the essence of why LOVE is needed for any relationship to survive and grow.    
note: Dedication, Acknowledgments & Preface are in Part I

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

With PEACE - Nothing Less than Love

The choice of happiness or unhappiness is like a choice between ease or disease or lastly one of peace or _____.  I do not know the answer to that one, as I search for a word that resembles the opposite of peace.  Anyone out there want to take a shot at it?  _____.  It could possibly be “havoc,” “mayhem,” or “war.”  I am not sure there is a word, because all the words that even come close seem to be words of action.  Action is not a feeling.  Peace is a natural feeling.  If one opposes peace, their behaviors go against nature with unmerciful actions that are beneath the feeling of love.  Being below love is being in an environment where suffering grows wild.  This is why all of our actions and feelings should be ones of nothing less than love.

With FEAR - Seeds, Weeds, and Needs

      Many think that the opposite of love is hate, although this can be true.  I often have to disagree, because fear seems to be the root of hate.  Fear is the seed that manifested hate.  Hate is the weed visible above ground.  Fear is the root below.  Weeds have the power to destroy miles of fertile ground.  So, where does love stand in this analogy? Love can be the one thing that changes our perceptions of these weeds.  If we only see them as weeds, then this is how they will remain and continue until they are destroyed.  Yet, if we can see the damage of the roots, then we have the possibility to repair or replace them so they can become the most beautiful flowers. 

Motivation Masters

If one gets on the train here in New York City, there are constant announcements from the police department about protecting yourself and your belongings at all times. “If you see something, say something. Be on the look out at all times.” Sure, the motivation is to create a safer environment to live in, but if we cannot use our vision to see this message as one of security rather than fear, then we may carry this fearful energy with us throughout our entire day. I think of the times when I have carried fear with me throughout my days, and I look back and can see that perhaps I closed myself off to other more positive forces of energy that may have come my way.  Are we available to give and receive love from those who are naturally meant to come your way, instead of those who can be scared away?

          I feel the motivation of fear now seems to surround us daily.  The media and government are masters of using fear as motivation.  Fear has found a place into our economy and army, both domestically and intentionally.  What is looked upon as a normal, natural occurrence is used to get us to feel that something is missing internally; therefore, something is needed “now” to fulfill this void.  This idea is used by the media to persuade people to buy products and services that they do not need, especially “now.”  The idea is used by the government with a less than healthy motivation to get people to take unnecessary actions.  So if they can get people to believe that something is missing, then they have grabbed our attentions and occupied our minds to replay these messages over and over.  Before we know it, they will make a quick move to distract some person in a different direction to create yet another false need, as opposed to getting people to stay with the original root of their insecurities.  It is hard to find the media or government telling us that there is only one place to find security.  This place is in us and is our intuition.  It is hard to find media outlets and even harder to find the government motivating us by ways of love and faith. Why not?  Because love is a harder sell and fear seems to have a better financial track record.  Why is this? It’s because love only creates one need which is love and, at the very most, more love, whereas fear creates a million-plus needs that generate a million-plus dollars.
          Do our media and government overlook what is truly “needed?” Why do they continue to interrupt our progress through distractions? I feel what is “needed” is overlooked, and this is a well-rounded education for our youth and for healthy, balanced lifestyles for adults. The concentration is on making money as opposed to making healthy minds, thus making for a functioning, healthy society. Each choice takes time, but if this time goes towards only generating profits, there will be more and more work until we reach a system where people’s minds and bodies are so overworked and exhausted that their efficiency in life becomes diminished. As a result, there are a number of people doing a number of unneeded tasks, pulling them away from the things they should be naturally doing.
          It is easy for me to point the finger at media, government, and even corporations because so many take full advantage of their audiences, consumers, citizens, and employees. It is our responsibility, being motivated by our natural, loving spirit, to take action rather than constantly fulfill the wishes of the few who feel as if they do not have enough.  Then some impose their thoughts of “not having enough” on the masses so they are not alone in their fixations and mentalities.
          Ironically, these “employers” try to instill a fear-based mentality into their employees. We do not always have the accuracy in our vision to see what is truly occurring in front of our eyes.  This is when the accuracy of our vision should be used, and hopefully, it will lead you to the right questions.  Who and what are you working for? These answers can lead you to the truth, and with self-reflection, you can determine who you want to work for, what to work for, and what you truly want and need in your life minus what is constantly being sold to you. Lastly, and most importantly, it will help you to ask who you are helping and what team you’re playing for. So, if you’re pleased with all of your answers, then you should keep doing what you’re doing. But if not, you should start thinking about a change.
A Quick Recipe for Change:
Take one part inspiration, one part education,
and one part motivation.
Mix this together in a clean bowl (like a mind),
and we can have infinite creations.


         As I became sharper and able to “keep the love,” my next step was to find the proper place for the waste.  In this case, it was the fear.  I have seen many people who do not know where to put their fears, so they carelessly give them to someone else. Then there are others who do not even give it away; they try to sell it.  I was determined not to be like these people because I saw the karmic currency for their sales – a bank account of poor choices resulting in suffering.  So, where is the right place to put this waste?  This sounds like the same garbage dilemma that our planet is faced with today. The answers of environmentalists are the same as mine – recycle.  Well, the same can be said for the waste of fear, hate, jealously, envy, greed, and so on.  Recycle!  Recycle the waste of fear into love.
          Unknowingly, this concept is what led me to become an artist.  Art is no more than recycled waste transformed into some of the most beautiful, engaging, entertaining, and stimulating things in this world.  It comes down to what we can transform.  I feel the less art we have in this world, the more fear, pain, anger, jealously, greed, and so on that we will have.  Our media industries try so hard to be artists, but unfortunately, many of them have factories of fear to sell.  Love has become such a challenge to sell because our factories have fewer products to produce.  It is our duty to change how things are manufactured from these machines and fear factories so we can have a back stock of love to be the abundant commodity in our society.

With ART - Labor or Love

At times, I have been motivated to act by way of fear, and I later realized that this is a delicate and dangerous thing.  The motivation of fear started with the feeling that my freedom was at stake.  Yes, at times, this fear jump-started me on to change, but it was important that the energy I gave off as result of this fear was something other than fear, like love.  The transformation of fear to love needed thoughtful, disciplined, and focused effort, because fear can cause insecurity.  Love is the most secure thing.  Today, I find it is an easier motivation to change when the transformation is from love to love because, actually, there is no transformation to be made.  Love is what is inside of us, and love is what I should be exuding from my presence, a loving motivation versus a fearful one.  Yes, for myself, I have accomplished things when fear was the motivating factor, although the main difference came in the enjoyment of the process.  When motivated by fear, I often labored through the process.  The outcome may have stimulated others, but throughout the process of “making it happen,” it felt like hard work, a painstaking task, a feeling of labor rather than love.  On the other hand, when I found myself motivated by love, I found the process to be effortless, as I embraced the joy in each ounce of labor.

We Are All Artists

I have always believed that art and love have the power to increase the flow of oxygen throughout our bodies.  The other day I spoke to some doctors and nurses in the oncology department of the hospital where I volunteer. I inquired if it is possible for a cancer cell to live in an environment that is solely of oxygen.  They told me that a cancer cell could not survive.  So I thought, “If art and love have the power to increase the flow of oxygen, then with art and love, there might be more environments in our bodies where cancer cells can’t survive.”

I feel we are all artists, yet most of us do not act when it comes time to transform our energy. Or, sometimes, we do not know how to act or express ourselves, so we act in ways that only build more negative energy versus transforming. Artists transform energy and create something new with their energy.  Good artists create something that exercises another person’s ability to look at things differently.  The great ones create something not only to help others to look at things differently but also to help others feel differently and ultimately act differently with a positive motivation to change.

Transforming Energy

           Transforming energy has become essential towards making any changes, as well as my growth.  Change, though, can be a tough food to digest because it appears to increase the suffering in our lives.  Many of my own changes became part of my education.  I look back and sometimes think that maybe suffering was like attending one of the greatest schools.  This is because the purpose of school is to learn, and often, the lessons we can learn from suffering lead us to the truth, and the truth can lead us to freedom.  Freedom is not only what every artist needs but is what every person needs.
          The more I learn, the more I value freedom and the power we have when we accept it.  “Transforming energy” is kind of like “proper digestion.”  Good digestion keeps us sharp; bad digestion makes us dull.  Yet, like any process of change, questions arise.  What do we want to be?  What kind of people do we want to be around?  What kind of a lover do we want to be?  What kind of parent do we want to be?  What kind of friend do we want to be?  What kind of leaders do we need?  What kind of artist do we want to be?  (A) sharp or (B) dull
          In the case of “good digestion” or “transforming energy,” it begins with the proper balance of movement and relaxation.  It’s about allowing the internal to do the work as needed and doing the same with the external.  Forcing what does not come naturally in time will only cause pain and will many times lead to poor choices.  Good digestion will let us get rid of the unneeded waste and hold on to what is needed for us to survive and grow.  It has the power to transform the fear into love.  And some great artists use this ability of “transformation” to make others look, hear, and even feel that things can be different.

What is Art?

Authentic Reality Transformation

          I ask myself often, “What is the difference between “authenticity” and “reality”? Don’t they both mean ‘what is real?’  I suppose authentic is what is honest.  Reality is about the now.  The transformation process towards art starts with the honest feelings that have accumulated in our souls. Then transforming them into whatsoever comes out of us. Passion seems to be the fuel that gives an audience the feeling of honesty.  Passion is felt and not seen.  I think this is why religion has such a strong following because it is something felt, and naturally, as humans we feel. Passion is often interpreted in the same sense as one’s fire. Sure, we can look into another’s eye and think we see his or her fire, but for there to be fire, there has to be heat.  Heat can only be felt, just like passion.
          The entire groups of artists, who I have come to love and respect, have a heated passion. It is fire and desperation in their souls to reach their dreams, often at any cost.  When I have felt this fire in myself, I have found great pleasure in chasing my dreams, though there always seem to be a price to pay for every pleasure.  What is the price or the cost?  The cost often lies in my judgment of where and when to put my passion and energy.

Most great artists never run out of ideas; they just run out of time to execute these ideas.  This lack of time makes it so crucial to be open and flexible to give help and receive help when needed.  I think the goal for most artists comes down to transforming and exposing feelings.  The good ones can communicate ideas, but the great ones can communicate emotions and feelings.  I believe working with others can bring out the apex of a goal. Quoting the liner notes from George Benson’s 1975 album “Good Bad King,” he said about working with his producer at the time, “As for me, I want the freedom to express myself along with the kind discipline like Dave (the producer) can provide. I just want the room to dance on my instrument.”  I think so many artists fight the needs of others. So many feel they are the only “one” and do not realize that they are not alone.  This is true even if this need is saying or doing “nothing,” though often this “nothing” is “something” as long as “others” are in reaching distance to feel the artist is alive.

The Truth of Art

      No matter what the medium, I feel all “good art” is sculpture.  I feel this way because art seems like the process of carving away the unnecessary to get to the essence of one’s voice.  This voice is one that I think all artist hope will speak their truth.  Finding the truth in a work of art can be the same as finding the truth in a relationship. It takes time, action, and silence to speak with our own voice and find our truth.

Essence of Time

      What is often mentioned about great sculptors is they have the ability to look at a stone and never see just a stone. Rather, they see what is inside this stone looking to be exposed. But, often, this process takes time. Many great sculptors feel there was never just a stone, as there was never just a second or a year. Each moment is timeless, making the process more priceless than any completed work to show. 

I think of my favorite sculptor, Constantin Brancusi. He was the underdog, like many of the most famous artists at that time, battling his way through moral and religious challenges to expose not only his wonderful work but also his passion and love for “the essence of things.” If he sculpted a human figure, a face, a bird, or a kiss, his honesty towards the essence has stood the test of time.

The truth of time in art should speak with a one-of-a-kind voice, communicating various elements such as truth and beauty.  This truth can be communicated not only in one viewing, but they may possess the power to resonate with us over longer time periods or even change us forever. Viewing art can communicate the process or passion poured into the piece of work, but most importantly, it opens our eyes to a person and, not just the artist, but ourselves. 

Who’s Saying “Action?”

Some years back, I received a call from one of the producers of “Video Openings,” which I was directing at the time.  He said, “Spike Lee says he wants to be in one of the videos, but he wants to direct it.” The producer had told Spike Lee about me, and Spike said, “Have him meet with the camera crew on Christopher Street and the Henry Hudson at 11:00am tomorrow.” The next day came.
          We were standing on the edge of the road as cars buzzed by. Spike and I were going back and forth with ideas of how things were going to be shot and at what angle. We said things like, “What I’ll do is walk in between the cars, while you walk backwards with the camera.” “How about you stand on top of that garbage can and swing this towel on the side of the highway, and I'll shoot it with a low angle.”  This went on for the next hour or two until it was all in the can.  When the video was finished, it aired at the opening of the next Knicks playoff game. After the crowd of twenty-thousand chuckled and cheered, Spike and I gave each other a nod of approval, and I continued with my work that day.

          I asked myself, “Why do I have respect for this artist?” I was not the craziest about all of his work. So what was it? I feel my respect comes from the honesty of his action because it told the truth of his passion.  I remembered one of my film professors telling me in his Russian accent, “Paul, characters that ‘do’ are more interesting than characters that don’t do.” I concluded that my first step was to speak the truth regardless of the medium I chose for my expression.  To quote a line from my favorite Spike Lee film: “There’s too many people saying ‘I’m gonna.’ ‘I’m gonna this, and I’m gonna that, to I tell you what I’m gonna do…”  My answer: I’m going to find the truth of my voice and finish this book.

The Truth Between the Notes

Miles Davis said it best when he described playing the trumpet with particular moods. He said it was important not only to play the notes but to play what was in between the notes – play the silence.  When you listen to Miles Davis’ music, you can honestly feel the mood of his sound lying in the silence.  In the search for the truth, so much lies in silence.  I will restrain myself from going into a jazz history lesson, but if I did look in the archives, I would find that so many artists are linked to Miles, decade after decade. Why?  I believe it comes from his honest ear and his ability to listen to the silence, not only music but in the people around him. Regardless if others liked him personally or not so many in the jazz community wanted to a part of his truth.

Clearly, Miles was an incredible player.  At the same time, there were other incredible players around, and some, in my opinion, were even better than Miles. But what Miles brought to music, few could even come close to replicating. The gift came from how he used his honest vision and sound.  First and foremost, he seemed to feel the truth, and more often than not, this laid in the silence.

Signs of Smile

When I used to visit one of my favorite jazz spots on 132nd Street, Big Apple Jazz, I would witness smiles firsthand.  I looked at the faces of the musicians as they made countless efforts to get to a place that was free and full of passion.  I could feel their constant conversions with pain and joy.  Usually, they were unconscious of their facial expressions as they expressed their pure passion.  At these times, I can turn away and look toward the audience and feel the freshness or see smiles that are indescribable.  I then reflect on my own feelings and vibrations within my soul.  Then I ask, “Why are these musicians playing?” And why am I sitting here writing this book? At times, my own face and feelings fluctuate from pain to joy as I write.  Why? I realize it is not about my face and feelings (which make it all worthwhile).  It is about the smiles and feelings of those who surround me, whether in the jazz club or in my everyday life. The feeling of my word or energy helping at least one person find a better place within puts a smile on my face.

          Often in the process of doing “something,” we need to ask ourselves why we are doing it. It is easy to lead this back to our own self-stimulation, excitability, or happiness. The truth is, most of us love to see others happy, whether it’s kids, family, friends, a fan, or whoever can smile. Often, you may not be able to see your own smile, but if you can truly feel those the ones around you, you will feel a great intensity.
Those who feel the signs of a smile possess the best encouragement for one’s spirit. There will always be a pleasant purity in seeing the bodily chemistry in one’s soul. It is all about the elevation of our human spirit and knowing we need to rise and when we need to be still.  Those who give of their souls will ultimately realize that a spirit who is still can also be active at the same time and will always rise.

With SOCIETY - Keeping Time

“Give me a beat!”
A beat is the one of your heart and soul
that creates the breath of your functioning humanity.
Without gratitude towards this,
there will be nothing worth living for. 

Unforced feelings are what keeps time for the universe and allows us to grow. In music, keeping good time is what the great drummers and band leaders do.  Without this unforced feeling, we do not move.  We do not dance. We do not love. We do not procreate.  We cannot give hope and energy to those in need.  We cannot feel the down time and thrills of the successes of our efforts. 
I think we all want to feel love, just as we do the glow of the sun.  Joy is like the heat of the sun or the heat of another.  Without it, all flames will die.  Yet, one flame can ignite infinite amounts for others without losing its own properties of heat and light. Yes, it may seem like the flame of a candle might be weakened if it touches another, but it will be back at full strength within moments.  True timing has no number, only feeling.  It is a feeling of warmth when we know we are in love or when the fire burns in our souls, letting us know we are alive.  Without this one flame, there would be no light to see who is in need of the warmth.

Seed of “We”

     We are the trees trying to grow.  When we turn a majority of our time and attention to the media, especially those at young ages, we are looking in its direction to give seeds of growth.  Many times, this natural search for seeds is taken advantage of by advertisers and corporations.  Making this statement seems as if I am pointing fingers. But who am I pointing fingers towards?  I am pointing fingers at the advertisers and these corporations. Well, who are they? They are us, and we are them.  We have created and condoned this behavior.  We are the ones who work for these corporations, and we are the ones who try to build these advertisements.  We are the ones with the power to create images of an ideal reality.  We are the ones who are responsible for our future as well as for our children’s.
I feel its time we begin to act on the answers to our happiness.  I must emphasize the word “our” here because we can do our best to convince ourselves of our own personal happiness without looking in the mirror. 
We need to take good a look in the mirror and truly tell ourselves what we see. But wait a second. Before you head over to the bathroom mirror, let me send you in a different direction where the mirror might not be fogged up.  Let’s take a look out the front door.  This is where you can find the truth of YOUR happiness. Take a good look at our culture, our youth, and our future.  Do you like what we see?  If not, well, what should we do?  Do what comes naturally.  What can we do to change?

 If we want to change, we must turn our attention to not only what we are giving off but also what we are receiving.  It may help to view our children's brains as we do their stomachs. Ask the same questions.  Is this too spicy? Am I feeding them too much?  Is it too late to be eating?  Will this be hard to digest?  Will this help them grow up to be strong and healthy?  Now take this same analogy of viewing their eyes and ears as their mouths. Do these visual components help their growth now or in the future?
          So maybe I only talk to the souls of the few who are aware of this numbing of the human spirit by the media. The soulful few continue to take great pride in their abilities to taste the love found in the food or energy they consume.  Maybe these fearless few can cook up some love not only for themselves but for others.  Changing the taste continues to become ever so challenging as today’s appetites for love are slowly ceasing. The taste for love is often lost in favor of the flavor of the day.  Love might be the taste, but the flavor is often one of fear.  We ultimately hold the power to can change the flavor of fear in efforts to stimulate our natural tastes for love. I might speak of the powers that “be,” but who is this “be?”

The powers that “be” are we, me, he, and she.
          It’s up to us make the choice to change these artificial flavors of fear into the natural flavors of love because there isn’t anything like the real thing. Anything less is just recycled from the presently over-stocked factory of fear.

Street Signs

         I need to look in the direction and trust the needs of the universe to provide the signs to inspire change. It feels like many times on my journey I am driving down a road with a slight feeling of uncertainty of what direction to travel.  Then, I see a street sign that gives me a choice.  Should I be afraid of the street sign?  Should I feel blessed to see it?  I believe the universe is full of street signs that inspire change that can help all who have been created. My efforts to function and help the universe, regardless of the quantity of my efforts, should not tarnish the quality of what I have accomplished. For example, this book can be 5 words or 50,000 words if it helps even one person get to a happier place I feel I’ve done my job.  I hope to encourage myself and others to work towards the proper balance of quality and quantity with a real knowledge of what is actually “needed.”  This starts with having gratitude towards the signs which help each of us reach the ultimate balance for humanity – being one with nature’s environments.

The Fitting Room

          So often in our present society, we are faced with the mindset of “We need this or that, and if we don’t have it, then we might not fit in.” If we are not “in,” then we are “out,” but what are we “out” of? Are we “out” of a someplace where we don’t belong in the first place? This all goes back to the fear of loneliness. Why will we not fit in?  Often, TV and today’s “talk” shows swim in the water of stereotypes and judgments. Each of us is naturally one of a kind; therefore, it is impossible to fit “in.” Sure, there can be some sort of a resemblance, but beyond that, it will always be far from us as individuals.
          It is mostly one big sales pitch. But depending on the sharpness of your vision, you will be able to sense if this “talk” is information, communication, entertainment, or a way to get you to “play now” or “pay later.” This is where many use the power of hope against us, and essentially pull us apart rather than bring us together.  It is used in the idea of credit.  If we “play now,” we will have a better opportunity of not being alone now or later.
          It is also spun in the opposite way when we “pay now” and “play later.”  As a result, many end up working themselves into unnatural, altered psychological states of greed and attachment. By the time we begin to realize it (if we realize it), we are so overworked that we no longer have the mental or physical strength to enjoy the “play time we paid for in full.”  Often, this behavior does not totally stem from greed or vanity but from what we might feel our loved ones need or want For example, I see so many parents buying and doing things out of love for their children, but as time passes, they regret not giving their children what they needed most — themselves.

Human Spirit

      Unfortunately, I feel we have become complacent with the distractions of our human spirit. These distractions have found their way into our daily routines.  It’s as though each day we are consuming hotter and hotter foods.  And each time these foods touch our tongues, we are burning more and more of our taste buds.  Soon, great tasting food and experiences will go unnoticed. More importantly, the original main ingredient to the cooking process – love – is lost and tasteless. Without this sensitivity toward love, are we truly living?  Without our taste buds, are we eating to live or just to survive? If so, will we no longer grow?
    We live in a world of inanimate objects.  They are all just tools, and we must keep this in perspective if we want to fulfill the needs of our universe. Do these tools have needs? Or do we have needs? We have needs; our needs are to be as one.  It’s so clear that relationships among humans (in essence, between nature and nature) should be the priority, not that between human and tool.  It is once again about finding balance.  I have witnessed time and again humans working with inanimate objects over long periods of time and suffering from mental disconnect and depression.  If we concentrate on giving to humanity, our needs will be put in perspective.  What can we give?  You can give your love and your story.
          If we make movies, write, paint, dance, or whichever tool we use, we should do it so well that our stories move emotions in ways that uplift the human spirit and intellect. This will bring people together with positive energy.  We should help others to feel their brightness and feel like they are not alone.  This is “success” – being with the ones you love, mentally or physically, and, most importantly, spiritually.  In New York City, it feels like the city of time, probably like many other places in this present age.  We are constantly feeling like we have less time to be with the ones we love.  If we only accepted that our nature is to love each other, then we will take in consideration that this is also a city of people.
          Yesterdays, today’s, and tomorrows man-made creations have and will continue to try to imitate life, be it computers, TVs, phones, and other such devices. The root behind all of them is to stop the feeling of loneliness. But the truth is that there is only one thing that can put a stop to feelings of loneliness, and that is the human spirit.  If we can control our minds, we have a better chance of controlling our suffering.  When we control our suffering, we can feel together and go in the direction of happiness, giving not just a story about passing and failing but of what we learned. 
Give hope, not hate.
Hope will
Have Only Positive Experiences.

Adjust the Volume

            I feel balance often seems to come down to a question of volume.  There are two levels of volume, both of material and non-material energy.  When it comes to material energy, volume is about quantity, either a lot or a little.  With non-material energy, it is about vibration, low or high.  Many times, it seems like the volume of the public is getting to be so high that we might blow an amp or a speaker.
          How does this analogy reflect on what happens in the world?  It can get to the extreme level where one takes another’s life.  Or on a grander view, it is the events that so many of us fear – war, slavery, racism, holocausts, apartheid, genocide, terrorism, and so on. In my life, a few of these moments just missed me by a mere block or two.  When I lived in Los Angeles, it was the riots. When I lived in London, it was the bombings of the IRA. And when I lived in Tribeca in New York City, it was 9/11.  I could literally feel the vibrations of these man-made disasters.  Perhaps the volume in the ears of the people who caused these disasters was so loud and intense; they could no longer withstand the volume. As a result, an “amp,” a “speaker,” or even a building was blown.” The most valuable thing that is blown at these times is an ear drum because, usually after these events, the people cannot hear anything, let alone what is really going on around them.
How can a high volume affect the universe on the natural (non-man-made) level? There are tsunamis, tornadoes, hurricanes, tidal waves, earthquakes, and other such natural disasters.  (My block has been shaken by a few of these as well.)  With this kind of disaster, I feel we just need to listen and respect the nature of our spirit and our universe.  If so, the volume will stay at an audible, tolerable, and enjoyable level. However, maybe it is time to better access our volumes and vibration levels, not only on a national, international, and universal level, but from an individual level.  We should focus on finding the real causes of these after-effects, like obesity, depression, drug abuse, or even just the tensions that arise when dealing with each other and our loved ones.

Game Time

        It is important to be aware of the forces of energy we “take in” and “put out.”  For example, we might choose to have a drink which contains alcohol, and you decide talk during or afterwards. The “in” and “out” of the energy choices will soon change, as do the vibrations surrounding us.  Being in touch with this little inner voice will help you feel the vibrations surrounding each given situation.  Often, these vibrations tell us what is true and who and what we can trust.  Understanding the energy of human interaction is the real game. The pre and post-game is patience. It is most needed when we are alone, trying to reach for that spiritual side of our being.  That is why sometimes it feels like a threat to be alone.  Many fear their little voice, afraid they will tell them they are alone. But if we honestly let the voice resonate, we can feel part of an internal community that resonates on levels that bring joy and hope.
          My choice to listen to this little voice often goes against the larger, popular voice like the voice of our environment, country, and society who promotes capitalism.  I am not totally opposed to capitalism, but as for the popular voice of the people, I do not think it is necessary at this time.  I feel the voice of the future should be one of mutual support and of a positive, peaceful nature.  It should be of praise, gratitude, and admiration for our natural spirit.

I ask myself often why this book is needed. Well, the need is felt in my soul as I walk and talk with people in our culture.  My choice in finding ways to help others does not seem like the popular choice, but my direction is more towards a peaceful option. I am writing this book in hopes of helping on a grander scale than just talking with someone on a park bench.  I do feel, however, that either action can hold an equal amount of potential to manifest healing and happiness with an infinite magnitude. The words and energy I share with a person on a park bench can possibly reach millions, just as I feel the words and energy I share with anyone who this book could reach. We each have our own unique, natural energy to help just one or millions.  It is a part of the “game of life” which has no end.

          Accuracy in recognizing injustice is one of our most important tools in these days of false imagery.  Unlike animals, humans are given the gifts of intellect and reason.  This is given to us on our first birthday.  Each one of these gifts is a tool of human nature.  If we keep distracting ourselves from what has been given to us in a gracious and responsible manner, then our natural environment’s energy may change towards one which functions and fights against nature, as opposed to living in harmony.  If we continue into the future with this behavior, we as humans may lose the gift of reason and intellect. Thus one day returning to the nature of animals.

Holy Land or a Land Full of Holes?

      If you feel your sacred place of “home” is being invaded, it may be time to start asking yourself some questions. We all search for a safe place to put our love (the sacred place). When this place is occupied by energy other than love, we feel this sacred territory is at stake.
I can only think of the many Holy Lands we fight and die for in order to protect.  I feel many involved in the violent desperation of occupying these territories know in their souls that they are infiltrating an unpeaceful energy to these sacred places.  As a result, and by doing so, they disrupt the energy of this “Holy Land.”  It is a possibility these places will feel empty and full of holes. It is also a possibility that all the love there will just fall through the cracks.  Any energy left occupying the air will be less than love.

With AMERICA - Home of the _____?

              There seems to be an American epidemic spreading further than this nation.  I speak of separation and loneliness. Sadly, I can see this in all three stages of our lives. In childhood, parents separate themselves from being active parts of their children’s youthful ages to adulthood where they are faced with separating themselves from their own family and sometimes building fears of interacting with other fellow humans.  Lastly, I see it in older ages where loneliness seems to be at its apex. Here, the elderly are in great need because they have less strength to heal themselves, and often their pride overpowers their need to receive help. Many live in the discomfort of slowing down the fast pace of the younger ones they need help from.
          So what is the antidote for this epidemic? It starts first with a thoughtful approach toward unity. So much of our society keeps expecting “quick fixes,” but the more we separate ourselves, the longer it might take to bring us together. So to accept quick fixes, we just end up with an abundance of short-term results.  If we can swallow the antidote of unity, then we shall see long-term results.  Maybe we will see cures to this epidemic in our jails, hospitals, schools, and most importantly, in our homes.  Sometimes, I feel like this country has kidney failure, and we are not properly cleansing the blood that runs through our nation. So many of our “leaders” are afraid to speak the truth, as a result, we cannot get the proper help.  I feel many leaders fear that if we were to go on dialysis and possibly collapse, we will no longer have what we have today.
          Well, what do we have today? What are we so scared to lose? Our obesity problem? The place where the most anti-depressants are sold in the world?  Or do we fear losing the idea that we are brave and the strongest – the bravest army, the strongest marketing powers, the strongest television industry, the strongest sports industry, the strongest economy. What are we truly the strongest and most brave at doing?  Perhaps the truth we avoid is that we are strong at creating often false images that, over time, cause suffering and distract us from achieving honest feelings of strength and honor, not just images.

So where do we start?  It’s just like healing anything else; it starts with the patient.  The patient (us) must admit that there is a problem and that they need help. This is a tough pill to swallow in our ego, image-driven nation. So in reference to the analogy of kidney failure, maybe we have to go on “dialysis” three times a week, and maybe we will no longer look as strong as we once did.  But at least this time we are being honest.  Honesty and love go hand in hand, and with love comes hope. With hope, maybe we can function happily with other nations that are also trying to be honest.  Maybe together we can be in a better place to truly help others, whether it is just one person, a nation, or a whole universe.  Now that sounds to me like the real home of the brave.

The Mind Industry

      Sometimes, I feel we are in the middle of an industrial revolution. The minds of the masses are being mass-produced. A huge portion of our lives trickles into a grid of numbers rather than flowing to a true respect and understanding of human nature. At the end of some days, I feel like I’m not walking through a country “for the people” but rather a “factory of the people.”
Last week, I stepped in a factory on the train of education.  I sat in the subway car and overheard three teenagers excitedly explain their plans to text message each other with the answers to their final exam. I thought to myself, “This is probably something I would have come up when I was their age.” Then I thought about what happened to me when I graduated (with a 7th grade reading level) and went to college, and I also thought about what will happen to them.  Just then, I looked above at an advertisement selling a degree via the computer within eight months.  Will the few minds who sit beside me with ingenuity to create a cheating system via phone be subjected to pointing and clicking into the future rather than having a human sharing wisdom and knowledge on a live, interpersonal level?
Some years ago, I sat in the waiting room of the health care factory.  I sat with my mom, jotting down questions for the doctor, fearfully knowing that she will only have a few minutes out of the two months she has been waiting for an appointment.  I ask myself, “Is this the amount of human interaction honestly needed to help heal another?”  Sometimes it seems like the interaction between doctor and patient would be no different than if you text message a doctor your symptoms, and the doctor emailed your prescriptions directly to the drug store.
Every once and a while, I speak to someone in the dating machine room. Many I have spoken with seem to have a pre-qualifier or resume of requirements as they look for the person who can fill in the blanks. During our conversation, many seem so terrified and confused.  I ask myself, “Is this the way to fall in love – swimming in the pool of fear?” As for myself, I sometimes feel I am an oddity when I explain how I met a wonderful young lady in the park.
I have also walked in to the break room of the music and entertainment factory.  I did not get a chance to talk to anyone because everyone was so busy pointing and clicking and judging within a matter of seconds whether they liked something or not, even though I tried to tell them about this place in Harlem that plays live music all day for free. But I don’t think any of the people heard me because they all had their headphones in their ears.  Often, I believe we need some time for our eyes, ears, and, most importantly, our souls to feel the likes and dislikes of our interests.

A couple of years back; I entered and exited the many doors of the art factory.  I remember walking into one gallery with my portfolio in hand. I was not even two steps in the door when someone said, “No, thanks. We are good!” In this factory, often sole reputation determines exposure rather than a freedom for an artist to expose his or her feelings and ideas. As result, the viewer of art suffers because, instead of being exposed to true feelings, he or she is imposed on by those who judge success and freedom of expression by dollar signs.
There was one day years ago, when I was in the classroom of the compassion factory, where I witnessed and filmed a corporation that employed me to flaunt their community efforts.  This seemed to be done to sell more of their mass-produced products and promote their name. 

          So what direction we should head in to change the mass production of our minds?  Maybe if we can honestly relieve what is at stake we could get moving in the right direction. Personally, this happened for me after I stepped out and revealed what seemed wrong in my mind. I wonder how we have not totally imploded thus far. My only answer is love. Why? Because love has rescued us time and time again.
          Let’s just take the physical health of our nation as an example. I was on the bus recently and an extremely obese woman got on at one of the stops.  She painfully struggled to get on the bus and fit into a seat.  Still, I felt joy in her soul.  But where did this joy come from?  I looked a few feet way, and her friend was there helping her with a loving energy. I thought to myself, “So many of our people live unhealthy lifestyles, but what keeps many people moving forward is finding the joy in their lives. It is love because, deep in their souls, they know they are loved and know that they still have plenty of love to give.  If this was not true, I feel most could not even make it on the bus, let alone to the next day. 

Love is the ultimate antioxidant, antibiotic, antibacterial, immune builder, and so on. But we should not take love for granted.  Love is the only resource our universe needs to grow in a healthy manner. We need to embrace, cherish, and value this wonderful gift.  We should allow love to help us find the right balance of the scientific and spiritual sides of our humanity.  If we can reach this natural balance, then we shall have a clearer vision to see the imbalances within ourselves, as well as of those who need our help.

Reaching Distance

          I have been based in New York. I have been based in Los Angeles. I have been based in London.  I have visited many people in and around these cities.  Every city has its own unique energy, an energy that only the ones who live there can understand. Throughout this world, each city has its own needs. For example, in many cities, space is in demand.  But is it space that is needed or, perhaps, more importantly, is it love that is in demand?  Love has the power to make changes, and with these changes, there can be steps upward and outward, creating spaces to grow.
        So often in these cities, there are some who feel there is not enough mental room to grow.  To grow a plant or anything, well-fertilized soil should be the foundation.  For starters, in our cities, the soil has to be full of positive energy, and the crop should be one of hope and courage.
     But who has the power and is in the closest position to plant these seeds?  There are plenty of people who can help, but it is about the location and position of who can help.  On the cusp of all these cities, there are environments and communities in reaching distance. Many call them “suburbs.” Look at the word “suburb” for a brief moment. “Sub” means beneath. “Urban” often refers to a city or a heavily populated location.  In this breakdown, these places are underneath the urban environment.  Sometimes, I feel like many of these places should be the foundation for the fertile ground.  These are places that strive for positive outcomes, safety, and growth.  They are often looked upon as good places where kids can grow up safely and soundly. I feel in recent years, though, that the balance of growth and abundance has been tilted heavily to one side. Unfortunately, worry, anxiety, and fear have taken over these suburbs.  The perception of the necessity for growth has transformed itself into a preoccupation and a constant worry of not having “enough,” and this idea can be looked at as a kind of eating disorder.  As with any eating disorder, there is an internal imbalance that presents itself with the disease. This imbalance can often lead to the disorder and many other diseases.  Many lose sight of their original intentions to move into the suburbs.  It began with positive outcomes, safety, and growth.  But now, many are out of touch, and they have turned toward consumption and competition and have lost sight of the family they love or loved so dearly to make the sacrifices they made to get to the suburbs in the first place.

With THE MEDIA - Selling Psychology

       I try to make mental growth a priority.  Often many seem to be concerned with growth only on a visual level.  As a result, this has caused an overall impatience of our humanity.  I speak to people each day and often find that, if they are not “hit over the head” with a one-dimensional visual, then disappointment is felt. Or, “it” does not get through to them.  The media is partly responsibility for this, as well as our choices as to what, when, and how much media we consume.  Our sprit possesses a natural feeling of wanting to be happy. Frequently, this feeling is used by the media.  This is nothing new. The media for years have been showing images based on the principle of money and whatsoever surrounds money as bringing happiness.  Ninety-nine percent of our media are motivated by advertisers, and the advertisers’ motives are to get us to buy at any cost to us or even our lives.
          It seems that the media fools people in layers.  Many who become attached to the media think they’re “onto” the media’s game. But, often, they are just onto the first layer of that game.  A majority of these “media powers” try to put on display their intentions to only sell a product or service, creating thoughts that we should go out and buy this product within a certain period of time, whether it is a week, a month, or when a particular holiday comes around. This is just the first layer. The next layer is when many of these advertisers and companies try to get us to believe that we are buying from an independent sales person for a particular item. 
          The truth of both these layers is that the majority of these companies are funding these advertisements are all on the same team, whether they want to admit it or not.  Also, they are not too concerned with selling “this or that” product on a short-term sale.  What they are truly selling is a “psychology.”  They’re selling a “mind moment,” and not for a week or until the next holiday, but for the long-term or perhaps a lifetime and even generation. They are focused on selling a psychology to be passed down to our youth.  Many of us are buying it and instilling it in the youth on a daily basis.  So we have been infected with this psychology.  Soon, we are working for them, selling their psychology, and have become so attached that now we face an addiction.  Why do I call this an addiction?  If we stop, we may feel pain from feeling “left out” and withdrawal because everyone else is “doing it.”
          On a subliminal level, we might believe that money brings people together because this is often the perception of how to access interactions.  I cannot tell you how many gatherings I have been to where I overheard people talking about “what so and so just bought” or “what we have not bought yet” and what we think we can control.  Sometimes, I wish more people would talk about what is free and what we cannot control. That is love and humanity.
          We have bought into this psychology from the media so habitually that we are attached to it because we have invested so much time and money in it. We want a return on what we have invested.  We are so worried about what we want and what we will receive in return.  So what is our “return?”  Our return is our youth and the next generation. 

Programming Power

Large numbers of companies and advertisers have the money and power to hire some of the most talented, creative, motivated, and intelligent people.  They hire these people when they are in their prime.  Many have an abundance of energy to pour into these companies.  However, many of these people might be in the prime of their energy, but some are not necessarily in the prime of wisdom.  I am talking about a wisdom that has a social conscious to make choices with the power given.
I feel the power given is the power to program.  They have the power to program the places where everyone seems to be looking and focusing their attentions.  It is a natural reaction for our eyes to be drawn to what is illuminated. In our media-driven culture, the places that are mainly illuminated are TVs, computer screens, and phones, etc.  The power “they” are given is to dictate the programming on TV, computers, and even our minds.

With TELEVISION -A Bite of Growth

Okay, so we choose to sit down, relax, and watch TV.  I feel this is no different than if we choose to sit down at a particular restaurant to have some food.  TV is serving us a bit of programming, commercials, or whatever is cooked up, just as a restaurant is serving whatever they cook up. When we choose to watch TV we sometimes know what is on, take what they give us, or scroll down the program guide.  The same goes for a restaurant, but we usually scroll down a menu instead.  Along the way, a waiter tries to sell us a little more to drink or maybe a dessert or something to complement our meal.  When we are done, we pay the check.  As for TV, “the check” is the cable bill and or the electricity bill or anything else associated.  Then, we get up and leave the restaurant or the couch.
          The most powerful ingredient in the media kitchen I speak of is the human being and how he or she is perceived.  With just one bite, it can start growth. What message went to the brain that started the growth process?  Millions of messages go to the brain; therefore, the messages we receive are the ones the chefs have decided to cook up.   Love could grow, fear could grow, hate could grow, joy could grow, and the possibilities are endless because every human’s taste buds are so different.   Let’s say one bit equals one second. One of first things I learned in “cooking school/film school” is that, for every one second of TV, there are 29.9 frames (or pictures).  So, in that one spoonful, there are almost 30 images to use. And just one of those thirty ingredients can change the taste of what is being cooked up.

Has someone ever asked you what you had for dinner last night and you could not remember? What you should realize is that, even though you may have forgotten, your body remembers because you are still digesting.  TV can work in the same manner, but instead of our bodies, it sits in our minds and spirits and can take some time to digest.

What Did my Daughter Have for Dinner Last Night?

Years back, my daughter’s mother had to work late, so she asked me to relieve the baby sitter, put our daughter to bed, and wait until she got home from work.  When I arrived, my 5-year-old daughter had a sassy, sarcastic, yet lovable attitude.  (I have noticed more of this personality blossoming over the last few weeks.)  I started getting her ready for bed when she asked, “Dad, can I watch ‘Raven?’” “Who?” I said. “That’s So Raven. Mommy let’s me watch it.” I thought to myself, “In mom’s house, it is mom’s rules.” I asked “Are you sure Mom lets you?”  She said, “Yeah, can I please?”  “Okay,” I said. “But just for a little while because you need to take a bath.”  As we watched the show, I could not help thinking about the cooks in the kitchen as they came up with this dish to serve. 

Let me try to flashback to when this dish was cooked up. In this case, the chefs decided they needed a new dish on the children’s menu.  Now, if the chef or the writer is really creative, he or she will share ideas about a “new” dish. But, usually, someone in the meeting will dig up some old recipe.  The executive will think, “The old recipe worked on some level before, especially on the financial level.” Then they will turn to the writer to add a different spin or twist to the old recipe.  This is usually the point where the “likes” will start to chime into the kitchen. “What about something like this?” “What about something like that?” Maybe the main character could be like a teenage girl that is like sassy, sarcastic, yet lovable.  Soon, they will settle and decide what the flavor of the main ingredient will be.  The staff gets to work preparing, seasoning, and cooking, while the director cooks it up. The editor arranges it on a plate and makes it look appetizing.  Eventually, the owners will give it a taste and comment on what they think should be changed. A few more spices are added, and then the dish goes on the menu.  And before you know, your kid will be on a regular diet of sass, sarcasm, and lovable attitudes.  Your daughter will speak, and you might ask yourself, “Is that my daughter acting so sassy, sarcastic, and lovable?”  And the answer to your question is: “That is not my daughter… That’s So Raven.”

          So, anyway, I watched the rest of the show with my daughter and could hear the dialogue both her and Raven shared over the last few weeks.  I then gave her a bath, read to her, told her a few of my own stories, and put her to bed.  As I waited for her mother to come home, I thought to myself of a time when I saw the same kind of thing happen but to adults.   What I’m talking about is when people sound like a TV show they watch regularly, whether it is in their vocabulary, phrasing, delivery, mannerisms, or tone of voice. In mid to late nineties, the show Seinfeld was very popular.  I cannot tell you how many times or how many people I talked with that made me feel like I was talking to someone on that TV show.  Years later, I would talk to women and could see which character in Sex and the City they admired and related to most.  They sounded just like if I had turned on the TV.  Sure, at times, it was entertaining, but that was the intention of the show. We seem to be putting too much pressure on ourselves to always be entertaining and full of drama.  Sometimes, it was disappointing knowing we are created so unique and different, but so many of us are sounding the same and may not even realize our individual blessings.

Later that evening, my daughter’s mother came home, and I asked her, “I’m told its okay for her to watch That’s So Raven. Is this true?"  “Yeah,” she said. “I started letting her watch it a few weeks ago. You just have to parent it.”  I did not care to venture and ask what the phrase “parent it” meant, but it felt like I was talking to the TV again.