Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Signs of Smile

When I used to visit one of my favorite jazz spots on 132nd Street, Big Apple Jazz, I would witness smiles firsthand.  I looked at the faces of the musicians as they made countless efforts to get to a place that was free and full of passion.  I could feel their constant conversions with pain and joy.  Usually, they were unconscious of their facial expressions as they expressed their pure passion.  At these times, I can turn away and look toward the audience and feel the freshness or see smiles that are indescribable.  I then reflect on my own feelings and vibrations within my soul.  Then I ask, “Why are these musicians playing?” And why am I sitting here writing this book? At times, my own face and feelings fluctuate from pain to joy as I write.  Why? I realize it is not about my face and feelings (which make it all worthwhile).  It is about the smiles and feelings of those who surround me, whether in the jazz club or in my everyday life. The feeling of my word or energy helping at least one person find a better place within puts a smile on my face.

          Often in the process of doing “something,” we need to ask ourselves why we are doing it. It is easy to lead this back to our own self-stimulation, excitability, or happiness. The truth is, most of us love to see others happy, whether it’s kids, family, friends, a fan, or whoever can smile. Often, you may not be able to see your own smile, but if you can truly feel those the ones around you, you will feel a great intensity.
Those who feel the signs of a smile possess the best encouragement for one’s spirit. There will always be a pleasant purity in seeing the bodily chemistry in one’s soul. It is all about the elevation of our human spirit and knowing we need to rise and when we need to be still.  Those who give of their souls will ultimately realize that a spirit who is still can also be active at the same time and will always rise.

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