Wednesday, April 4, 2012

We Are All Artists

I have always believed that art and love have the power to increase the flow of oxygen throughout our bodies.  The other day I spoke to some doctors and nurses in the oncology department of the hospital where I volunteer. I inquired if it is possible for a cancer cell to live in an environment that is solely of oxygen.  They told me that a cancer cell could not survive.  So I thought, “If art and love have the power to increase the flow of oxygen, then with art and love, there might be more environments in our bodies where cancer cells can’t survive.”

I feel we are all artists, yet most of us do not act when it comes time to transform our energy. Or, sometimes, we do not know how to act or express ourselves, so we act in ways that only build more negative energy versus transforming. Artists transform energy and create something new with their energy.  Good artists create something that exercises another person’s ability to look at things differently.  The great ones create something not only to help others to look at things differently but also to help others feel differently and ultimately act differently with a positive motivation to change.

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