Wednesday, April 4, 2012

With ART - Labor or Love

At times, I have been motivated to act by way of fear, and I later realized that this is a delicate and dangerous thing.  The motivation of fear started with the feeling that my freedom was at stake.  Yes, at times, this fear jump-started me on to change, but it was important that the energy I gave off as result of this fear was something other than fear, like love.  The transformation of fear to love needed thoughtful, disciplined, and focused effort, because fear can cause insecurity.  Love is the most secure thing.  Today, I find it is an easier motivation to change when the transformation is from love to love because, actually, there is no transformation to be made.  Love is what is inside of us, and love is what I should be exuding from my presence, a loving motivation versus a fearful one.  Yes, for myself, I have accomplished things when fear was the motivating factor, although the main difference came in the enjoyment of the process.  When motivated by fear, I often labored through the process.  The outcome may have stimulated others, but throughout the process of “making it happen,” it felt like hard work, a painstaking task, a feeling of labor rather than love.  On the other hand, when I found myself motivated by love, I found the process to be effortless, as I embraced the joy in each ounce of labor.

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